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Welcome to Mareval AG

Mareval AG provides independent engineering services for the maritime and offshore industry. With our disciplines covering engineering as well as commercial services we are capable of determining the cost for complex technical systems. Using our well developed in house tools and methods we can provide verifiable results where both tools and methods are transparent.

We accompany our clients covering all project phases from concept to operation. From general conceptual tasks to the planning and execution of the commissioning we can support.


In our well-practiced team we always try to enjoy our work. State of the art tools in a positive atmosphere help us to be more productive. We try not to be static and relax on the experiences gained. With our engagement in research and development internally as well as in funded research projects we stay ahead in our industry.

The Team

Mareval was founded in the year 2011 as an engineering consultancy for the maritime industiry. Goal was to b a competent partner for our who is able to provide services using latest tools and technology. Starting with a core team of 3 a number of approxiamtely 15 employees was reached within a short period of time.

The main capabilities were extended with time. Based on the thought of combining technical and commercial considerations, the activities in cost estaimation and cost control for out projects gained importance and the relevant tooll and methods were continuously developed.

With our multidisciplinary orientation and the experience available with our employees extended by plenty of practical experience, orr systematic approach was established well with our cllients.

ISO Certification

MAREVAL AG as a company is certified by BG Verkehr according to ISO 9001 standard.

For safe working at sea, our staff regularly exercises in accordance with the internationally recognized standards OPITO, NOGEPA, and GWO. Our training curriculum includes first aid, general offshore safety (BOSIET), helicopter safety (HUET), working at heights, and working in confined spaces.


Our office s located in Hamburg Bergedorf easily accessible by municipal transport. The Hafencity is base for a large number of players in the german renewables sector. For our international clients the good transport connection from the Hamburg Airport and the pleasant office location with the client industy infrastructure in close proximity is a positive.

Independent Consulting Engineers
for the Maritime and Offshore Industire



Am Schilfpark
D-21029 Hamburg
+49 (0)40 226 30 88 - 0
+49 (0)40 226 30 88 - 55
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